Student LOGIN

3 October 2022, at 5:00 p.m., Colina Campus

Student LogIn is the event that opens the academic year at #UNITBV, and it is dedicated to first-year students, but also to more...experienced students.

The event aims at challenging students to interact, get to know each other, get in touch with student life and eventually get to know the entire university campus.

Here, the students can interact with their upperclassmen, they can learn faculty issues, trends and little tricks, and they can also visit the student association stands.

Moreover, they can take part in a Treasure Hunt competition, Quiz and other games specially prepared for the academic year opening event. Obviously, all the winners will be awarded.

The event will end with a super laser show and with DJ Manuel Riva on the turntables, from 7:00 p.m.

Entrance is free for all UNITBV students.