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Jurnalul FOREST este o publicatie  ISI cu factor de impact  2.633 care ofera posibilitatea publicarii articolelor stiintifice intr-un numar special intitulat Novelties in Wood Engineering and Forestry. Lucrarile se pot transmite pana la data de 31 August 2023. Pentru mai multe informatii, descarca AICI.

Contracte Internaționale

  • 2012Inside/Outside/In Between - Acord bilateral cercetare, New Design University Sankt Polten si UAUIM, Coordonator: Prof.dr.Cionca Marina – Universitatea Transilvania Brasov – Partener
  • Proiect CEEPUS. SK-0310 (perioada de desfasurare 2008- 2018). Non-traditional processes in production technologies and integration of the study and research in the Eastern and Central Europe universities. Coordonator: Prof.dr. Radulescu Loredana Anne-Marie


  • Inside - Outside / Up and Down- New Design University, Institutul Cultural Roman din Viena, Kronospan Romania, Asociatia Romana a Producatorilor de Mobila. Acorduri bilaterale de cercetare EU. Coordonator: Prof.dr.Cionca Marina – Universitatea Transilvania Brasov – Partener 2013-2014 


  • Village Public Spaces. Interventions. Acord bilateral cercetare, New Design University Sankt Polten si UAUIM. Coordonator: Prof.dr.Cionca Marina – Universitatea Transilvania Brasov – Partener 2014-2015 


  • Novel learning approach for ERGOnomic principles for deSIGNers working in the upholstery and sleep sectors by using Virtual Reality (ERGOSIGN) – Proiect Erasmus+ Coordonator Prof.dr.Camelia Coşereanu – Universitatea Transilvania Brasov – Partener 2015-2017

  • Metamorphosis of a Rural Household 2, Acord bilateral cercetare nr. 4913/28.04.2016., New Design University Sankt Polten. Coordonator: Prof.dr. Cionca Marina – Universitatea Transilvania Brasov – Partener 2016 


  • Experimental research regarding the characteristics of beech (Fagus sylvatica) heat treated by EDS technology/Cercetări experimentale asupra caracteristicilor materialului lemnos din specia Fag, tratat termic prin procedeul EDS. Contract nr.15826/ 11.11.2016 (2016-2017) in parteneriat cu EDS Laboratory, Japonia. Valoare contract: 16109.41 EUR Coordonator: Conf.dr.Lidia Gurau.  


  • Audituri de certificare FSC si PEFC. Contract nr. 11560/ 12.09.2018. Institutul tehnologic FCBA Franța. Coordonator: Conf.dr. Octavia Zeleniuc.  


  • Proiect FACET -“Furniture sector Avant-garde Creativity and Entrepreneurship Training” ("Creativitate de avangardă și instruire antreprenorială în sectorul de mobilier"). Consorțiul, condus de DISTRETTO INTERNI E DESIGN - DID, Italia cuprinde 8 parteneri din 6 țări: Italia (3), Spania, Portugalia, Republica Cehă, Grecia și România. Facultatea de Ingineria Lemnului este membră a acestui proiect. Coordonator din partea universitatii: Conf.dr.Lidia Gurau.  

  • Proiect DITRAMA  - “Digital transformation manager: leading companies in Furniture value chain to implement their digital transformation strategy” ("Managerul de transformare digitală: companii de vârf în domeniul lanțului de mobilier pentru a-și implementa strategia de transformare digitală"). Proiectul este coordonat de către Centre de Difusió Tecnològica de la Fusta i el Moble de Catalunya – CENFIM, Spania, într-un consorțiu alcătuit din 12 parteneri din 8 țări: Spania, Danemarca, Belgia, Italia, Polonia, Portugalia, Republica Cehă şi România. Coordonator din partea universitatii: Conf.dr.Lidia Gurau.   

  • Audituri de certificare FSC si PEFC. Contract nr. 8751/ 05.08.2019. Institutul tehnologic FCBA Franța. Coordonator: Conf.dr. Octavia Zeleniuc 


    • Proiect TABLE    - “TAckling Sustainability Environment through Blended Learning occasions for ivEt in the mobile and wood sector”. Proiectul este coordonat de către ENERGIES 2050 din Franța, într-un consorțiu alcătuit din 6 parteneri din 5 țări: Franta, Italia, Spania, România şi Polonia. Coordonator din partea universitatii: Conf.dr.Luminița-Maria BRENCI.   

    • Audituri de certificare FSC si PEFC. Contract nr. 9180/ 09.09.2020. Institutul tehnologic FCBA Franța. Coordonator: Conf.dr. Octavia Zeleniuc


      • Proiect CirCLER    - “Circular Economy Transition Manager: guiding companies of the furniture value chain to deploy their transition strategy for a more circular economy”. Proiectul este coordonat de către AMBIT - Centre De Difusio Tecnologica De La Fusta I Del Moble De Catalunya (Spania), într-un consorțiu alcătuit din 16 parteneri din 9 țări: Spania, Italia, Irlanda, Germania, Ucraina, Finlanda, Romania, Belgia si Slovenia. Coordonator din partea universitatii: Conf.dr.Luminița-Maria BRENCI.   


Contracte nationale cu terti


      • Grant PNCD12 – Parteneriate, tip PC, Compozite (bio)degradabile cu inserţii textile pentru produse ambientale ecologice - BIOCOMPTEX Valoare grant: 400 000 lei, finantator: UEFISCDI, contract nr. 72-200/2008 perioada: 2008-2011 – Coordonator: Prof.dr.Coşereanu Camelia


      • Determinarea emisiei de formaldehida din placaj pentru lucrari de interior si elemente mulate din lemn stratificat. STRATUSCOM BLAJ SRL. Cntract nr. 13243/04.09.2012. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
      • Determinarea emisiei de formaldehida din placaj pentru lucrari de interior si elemente mulate din lemn stratificat. STRATUSMOB BLAJ SRL. Contract nr. 13886/14.09.2012. Coordonator” Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia


        • Project ID: WOOD - "Clustering knowledge, Innovation and Design in the SEE WOOD sector" - Pachet de lucru 3, activitatea 3.4 - ADR Centru Alba Iulia. Coordonator: Sef lucr.dr. Olărescu Alin
        • Fete de usi pentru interior - semifabricat MDF. Asociatia de standardizare din Romania – ASRO. Contract nr. 1004/28.01.2013. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
        • Evaluarea emisiei de formaldehida din panouri stratificate din fag. Incleiate cu diversi adezivi, prin metoda Analiza gazului, conf. SR EN 717/2. SC Akzo Nobel Coatings SRL. Contract nr. 18293/20.12.2013. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
        • Determinarea formaldehidei din panouri pe baza de lemn. HOLZINDUSTRIE SCHWEIGHOFER BACO SRL BACAU. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
        • Determinarea emisiei de formaldehida din placaj, incleiat cu diferiti adezivi, prin metoda camerei conf SR EN 717/1. SC Kronospan Sebes SA. Contract nr. 5821/13.05.2013. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
        • Determinarea emisiei de formaldehida din placaj pentru lucrari de interior si elemente mulate din lemn stratificat conform SR EN 636 placi cu grosimea nominala pana la 40 mm, prin metoda Analiza gazului conf SR EN 717/2. STRATUSCOM BLAJ SRL. Contract nr. 3606/25.03.2013. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
        • Determinarea emisiei de formaldehida din placaj de 10 mm pentru lucrari de interior prin metoda Analiza gazului conf SR EN 717/2 si incadrarea in clasa E1 de emisie, conform SR EN 636. STRATUSCOM BLAJ SRL. Contract nr. 6009/16.05.2013. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
        • Determinarea emisiei de aldehida formica in placaj si elemente mulate din lemn stratificat si incadrarea in conditiile SR EN 636. STRATUSCOM BLAJ SRL. Contract. Nr. 16121/06.11.2013. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
        • Determinarea emisiei de aldehida formica din panouri din lemn masiv, produs EGP, prin metoda Analiza gazului, conf SR EN 717/2. SC Akzo Nobel Coatings SRL. Contract nr. 16850/21.11.2013. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia. 


      • Project ID: WOOD - "Clustering knowledge, Innovation and Design in the SEE WOOD sector" - Activitatile 4.3 si 4.4. ADR Centru Alba Iulia. Contract nr. 1339/04.02.2014. Coordonator: Sef lucr.dr.Olărescu Alin
      • Evaluarea emisiei de formaldehida din placaj de 20 mm grosime, pentru interior, prin metoda Analiza gazului, conf. SR EN 717/2 si incadrarea in clasa E1 de emisie, conform SR EN 636. STRATUSCOM BLAJ SRL. Contract nr. 6868/16.06.2014. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
      • Determinarea emisiei de formaldehida din placaj pentru interior si elemente mulate stratificate, prin metoda Analiza gazului conf. SR EN 717/2 si incadrarea in clasa E1 de emisie, conform SR EN 636. STRATUSCOM BLAJ SRL. Contract nr. 12613/10.10.2014. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
      • Determinarea emisiei de formaldehida din placaj de 12 mm pentru lucrari de interior prin metoda Analiza gazului conf. EN 717/2 si incadrarea in clasa E1 de emisie, conform SR EN636. STRATUSCOM BLAJ SRL. Contract nr. 1580/10.02.2014. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
      • Determinarea continutului de formaldehida din "Fete de usi pentru interior-semifabricat MDF", prin metoda cu perfomator. Asociatia de standardizare din Romania – ASRO. Contract nr. 671/20.01.2014. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
      • Analizarea materialului lemnos utilizat la restaurarea cetatii Feldioara si determinarea unor proprietati fizico-mecanice in vederea incadrarii in clase de calitatespecifice normelor in vigoare. SC EURAS SRL Satu Mare . Contract nr. 12375/08.10.2014. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia
      • Determinarea emisiei de formaldehida din panouri stratificate din fag in structuri diferite, incleiate cu diversi adezivi, prin metoda Analiza gazului" , conf.SR EN 717/2. SC Akzo Nobel Coatings SRL . Contract nr. 3147/17.03.2014. Conf.dr.Zeleniuc Octavia .


        • Proiectare de mobilier inovativ din lemn masiv cu finisaje bio/ecologice şi proiectarea infrastructurii de producție. Valoare grant: 49 822 lei; finanţator: BIOMOBILA SRL, contract nr. 4917/28.04.2015 – Coordonator: Coşereanu
        • Cercetări privind îmbunătăţirea tehnologiei şi realizarea de produse cu performanţe funcţionale îmbunătăţite pentru S.C. Holzindustrie Schweighofer BACO S.R.L (2015-2016). Coordonator: Prof.dr.Ispas Mihai. 


        • Cercetări privind utilizarea tehnicii de taiere cu laser la fabricarea produselor din lemn. S.C. NORD ARIN Prod S.R.L. Contract nr:5485 18.05.2016. Preioada derulare 2016. Valoare: 4166 lei. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Brenci Luminita
        • Cercetări privind îmbunătăţirea peocesului de producţie pentru societateea NORD ARIN PROD S.R.L. Contract nr. 13747/19.10.2016. Perioada derulare 2016-2019. Valoare 59466 lei. Coordonator: Conf.dr.Brenci Luminita. 


        • Etnovember 2017. Proiect cultural. Finantator: Primaria Municipiului Brasov. Valoare 29520 lei. Coordonator: Sef lucr. dr.Alin M.Olares. 


        • Teste ale brichetelor din biomasa vegetală. S.C. Ferma la bunici S.R.L.. Contract nr. 15126/29.10.2018. Coordonatorː Sef Spîrchez Cosmin
          Investigarea ştiințifică în scopul restaurării bunului cultural Ușă împărătească- sec XIX, din colecția Muzeului Codlea, Contract 15903/31.10.2018, Beneficiar: Primăria Municipiul Codlea, Coordonator: Prof. dr. Timar Maria Cristina.
        • Etnovember 2018. Proiect cultural nr. 84/21.09.2019 (PMBv), nr.10311/10.02.2017 (UTBV). Finantator: Primăria Municipiului Braşov, prin programul guvernamental Dezvoltare locală - domeniul Cultură. Valoare totală: 67721,24 lei. Finanțare nerambursabilă PMBv: 44305,96 lei. Contribuție proprie UTBV: 23415,28 lei. Coordonator: Conf. dr. Alin M. Olărescu.


      • Teste calorice ale peleților din coceni de porumb. S.C. COMERȚ BATU S.R.L.. Contract nr. 3331/01.04.2019. Coordonatorː Sef Spîrchez Cosmin. 
      • Teste comparative de elasticitate ale componentelor produselor de mobilier. S.C. COROM EXPORT S.R.L. Contract nr. 7020/21.07.2019. Coordonatorː Sef Spîrchez Cosmin


      • Evaluarea emisiei de formaldehidă din materiale compozite din lemn, prin metoda camerei de 1mc. Contract nr. 6800/25.06.2019-2020, Ad nr. 15649/05.12.2019. Beneficiar. KRONOSPAN TRADING S.R.L., Coordonator: Conf.dr. Octavia Zeleniuc
      • Ameliorarea potențialului productiv şi de adaptare al pădurilor de molid prin promovarea proveniențelor valoroase, a arborilor ideotip, precum şi prin creșterea numărului de surse de semințe genetic ameliorate – Determinarea unor rezistențe mecanice pentru caracterizarea lemnului de molid comun (Picea abies) şi molid cu coroană îngustă (Picea abies pendula). Contract Nr. 4327/23.04.2019. Perioada derulare: 2019. Valoare: 21420 lei. Cordonator: Şef Mihaela Porojan.
      • Etnovember 2019. Proiect cultural nr. 78/26.09.2019 (PMBv), nr.11555/01.10.2017 (UTBV). Finantator: Primăria Municipiului Braşov, prin programul guvernamental Dezvoltare locală - domeniul Cultură. Valoare totală: 80907,47 lei. Finanțare nerambursabilă PMBv: 47788,48 lei. Contribuție proprie UTBV: 33118,99 lei. Coordonator: Conf. dr. Alin M. Olărescu


      • Testarea brichetelor din paie și rumeguș. S.C. SERVICE ACUMULATOR S.R.L. Contract nr. 14660/17.10.2022. Coordonatorː Sef Spîrchez Cosmin 


Brevete de inventie


      • Coşereanu, C., Lunguleasa, A., Lica, D., Cismaru, M., Porojan, M., Brenci L.M., Iacob, M., Mihailescu, C. (2011) – „Manufacturing method of ECOLOGICAL PLYWOOD comprises three technical veneer layers”. Patent no. RO127158-A0
      • Lunguleasa, A. (2011) - „Metodă şi dispozitiv pentru determinarea coeficientului de compactare al brichetelor lignocelulozice”. CBI A/00458/12.05.2011
      • Croitoru, C., Paţachia, S.F., Lunguleasa, A. (2011) - „Soluţii de impregnare a lemnului, pe bază de polimeri naturali, metoda de obţinere şi procedeu de aplicare”. CBI A/00577/20.06.2011



      • Coşereanu, C., Lăzărescu, C., Lica, D., Lunguleasa, A., Budău, G., Cismaru, I., Fotin, A., Sova, D., Iacob, I. (2012) - „Plăci compozite termoizolante cu densitate mică, medie şi mare pentru construcţii şi procedeu de obţinere. Iaşi. CBI A/01059/24.10.
      • Cismaru, I., Toţu, I., (2012) - „Maşină de prelucrat simultan două înfăşurări la o torsadă cu pas constant” . CBI A/00468/22.06.12
      • Cismaru, I., Toţu, I., (2012) - „Maşină de prelucrat torsade cu pas variabil prin procedeul traiectoriei materializate” . CBI A/00469/22.06.12
      • Cionca, M. C., Gurău, L., Olărescu, A., Zeleniuc, O., (2012) – „Panel, has transverse strips, formed of linear blocks carried out from prismatic semifinished items, manufactured from branches by using ecological adhesive”. Patent Number: RO123471-B1. Patent Assignee: UNIV BRASOV TRANSILVANIA (UYBR-Non-standard).
      • Petrovici, V., Varodi, A., Cazacu, G., Zeleniuc, O., Udrea, S.N., David, K.J., (2012) - „Adhesive composition based on mixed furan resin with furfuryl alcohol and classic urea resin”. Patent number RO 125023- B1 Patent Assignee: Transilvania University of Brasov.



      • Lüdtke, J., Welling, J., Thömen, H., Barbu, M.C. (2013) - Lightweight wood-based boardsand process for producing of it. New Zealand letters patent nr. 578195 Lüdtke, J., Welling, J., Thömen, H., Barbu, M.C. (2013) – „Lightweight wood-based boardsand process for producing of it”. Indonesian patent ID P0033156
      • Thömen, H., Welling, J., Barbu, M.C., Lüdtke, J. (2013) – „Lightweight wood-based boardsand process for producing of it”. Australian standard patent 2007332593. Patent acts 1990
      • Cismaru, I., (2013) - “Maşină de prelucrat torsade cu pas variabil prin traiectorie generată cinematic”. CBI A/00860/23.11.12 (BI RO128276).
      • Cismaru, I., Toţu, I., (2013) -“Maşină de prelucrat simultan două torsade cu pas constant” . CBI A/00863/23.11.12 (BI RO128277)
      • Coşereanu, C., Budău, G., Lunguleasa, A., Lica, D. (2013) - „Brichete ecologice, obţinute din stuf şi procedeu de obţinere”. CBI A/00470/22.06.12(BI RO 128746)
      • Olărescu, A., Cionca, M.C., Bădescu, L. .M., Gurău, L., Câmpean, M., (2013) - „Panou şi procedeu de obţinere”. CBI A/00279/05.04.13(BI RO128819)
      • Lunguleasa, A., Grîu (căs. Dobrev), T. (2013) - „Procedeu de determinare a puterii calorice a biomasei lemnoase folosind bomba calorimetrică cu soft propriu de lucru”. CBI A/00339/07.05.13 (BI RO129020)
      • Olărescu, A., Cionca, M.C., Bădescu, L.A.M., Gurău, L., Câmpean, M. (2013) – „Panel, which is obtained from timber cut from thin sessile oak trunks resulting from forestry thinning operations”. Patent Number(s): RO128819-A0.
      • Olărescu, A., Bădescu, L. A. Cionca, M. C. (2013) – “Panel manufacturing Method, involves exploitation of solid wood of small dimensions resulting as consequence of primary and secondary wood working processes”. Patent number: RO128820-A0. Patent Assignee: UNIV BRASOV TRANSILVANIA (UYBR-Non-standard).
      • Olărescu, A., Cionca, M. C., Bădescu, L. A., Gurău, L., Câmpean, M. (2013) –„Panel, which is obtained from timber cut from thin sessile oak trunks resulting from forestry thinning operations”. Patent Number: RO128819-A0. Patent Assignee: UNIV BRASOV TRANSILVANIA (UYBR-Non-standard).
      • Olărescu, A., Cionca, M. C., Bădescu, L. A., Muscu, I. (2013) – „Process for preparing semi-rigid structural element, involves cutting off wastes to desired length with additional oversizing, forming packet, assembling packet with flexible connection elements”. Patent Number: RO128821-A0. Patent Assignee: UNIV BRASOV TRANSILVANIA (UYBR-Non-standard).



      • Kain, G., Barbu M.C., Petutschnigg, A. (2014) – „Dämmplatten aus Baumrinde”. Österreichischen Pantentamt AT 51 2707 81 2014-07-15, Wien
      • Grîu (căs. Dobrev), T. , Lunguleasa, A., Spârchez, C. (2014) - „Procedeu de evaluare a calităţii şi a indicelui de marketabilitate pentru brichete lignocelulozice” . CBI A/00827/11.11.13 (BI RO 129676 A0)
      • Lunguleasa, A., Coşereanu, C., Dobrev, T. (2014) – „Process for increasing thermal power of sawdust briquettes, sorting sawdust and ensilaging into silage, treating within torrefaction
      • installation, drying, storing sawdust into silage, and briquetting in briquetting machine”. Patent Number(s): RO129646-A0



      • Zeleniuc, O., Brenci, L., Coşereanu, C., Fotin, A., Lica, D., Budău, G., Lunguleasa, A., Apostu, I., (2015) - „Panou tristratificat din particule şi coji de seminţe de floarea soarelui pentru utilizări în interior şi procedeu de obţinere”. CBI A/00889/19.11.14 (BI RO 130258 A0).
      • Coşereanu, C., Lica, D., Brenci, L., Fotin, A., Zeleniuc, O., Lunguleasa, A., Budău, G., Apostu, I., (2015) - „Plăci ecologice din deşeuri de floarea soarelui destinate placărilor exterioare şi procedeu de obţinere”. CBI A/00888/19.11.14 (BI RO 130259 A0



      • Ludtke J, WellingThoemen J, H, Barbu MC.2017 EP 2 117 792 B1: Lightweight wood-based boards and process for producing of it, Patentblatt 2017/18
      • Lunguleasa, A. Metodă şi dispozitiv pentru determinarea coeficientului de compactare al brichetelor lignocelulozice. Nr.126787
      • Ionescu Constantin, Lunguleasa Aurel. Process for consolidation-restoration and monitoring of cultural heritage wooden-support objects, RO131858 (A0) ― 2017-05-30 



      • Cosereanu, C., Lica, D., Brenci, L.M., Fotin, A., Zeleniuc, O., Lunguleasa, A., Budau, G., Apostu I. (Prutul S.A. – Braila). Placa ecologica din deseuri de floarea soarelui destinate placarilor exterioare si procedeu de obtinere. Nr. Brevet.130259


      • Lunguleasa, A., Dobrev, T., Procedeu de determinare a puterii calorifice a biomasei lemnoase folosind bomba calorimetrica cu soft propriu de lucru. Nr. Brevet RO 129020 B1.
      • Lunguleasa, A., Cosereanu, C., Dobrev, T. Procedeu de creștere a puterii calorifice pentru brichetele din rumeguș. Nr. Brevet RO 129646 B1.



      • Balea, G. Coşereanu, C., Lunguleasa, A., Zeleniuc, O. Rețete adezive pe baza de lignosulfonat de magneziu oxidat, utilizate la realizarea plăcilor din aşchii de lemn cu conținut redus de formaldehida şi procedeu de obținere. Nr. Brevet RO 137109A0.
      • Lunguleasa, A., Spirchez, C., Coșereanu, C., Brenci, L. Dispozitiv si procedeu pentru determinarea rezistentei la forfecare a peletilor lemnosi. Nr. Brevet RO 130786 B1.


Articole ȋn reviste indexate ISI si BDI



      • Timar, M.C. Tuduce Traistariu, A.A., Patachia, S., Croitoru, C. (2011) - An investigation of consolidants penetration in wood. Part 2: FTIR spectroscopy. PRO Ligno, 7(1): 25-38
      • Olărescu, A., Campean M., Gurau, L. (2011) - Effect of Heat Treatment Upon Dimensional Stability, MOE and MOR of Thin (Dmax =16 cm) Sessile Oak Wood. Pro Ligno, 7(3): 29-38
      • Gurau, L., Mansfield-Williams, H., Irle, M. (2011) - Evaluating the Roughness of Sanded Wood Surfaces. Book Chapter 6., 51 pages. In: Wood Machining. Edited by J. Paulo Davim, University of Aveiro, Portugal. ISBN: 9781848213159. pp.288, Publishing house: ISTE-Wiley (UK).
      • Zeleniuc, O. (2011) - The future of timber in the view of eco-products manufacturing . In Proceedings on the 9th International Conference “Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21-st Century”, Vol.9. June 5-8 2011, Sozopol, Bulgaria Heron Press Sofia. ISBN: 878-954-580-308-6, pp. 290-294.
      • Cismaru, I., Brenci L.M., Coşereanu, C (2011) - Permanent testing of the processing acuracy - a basic component of tehnological management. 7th International Conference on Management of Technological Changes. Published in: Management of Technological Changes, Book 2 Pages: 565-568
      • Coşereanu, C., Budău, G., Lica, D., Lunguleasa, A., Gheorghiu, C.R. (2011). Technological Potential of Reed as Biomass for Briquetting, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL 10(8), 1127-1132, ISSN 1582-9596.
      • Budău, G., Câmpean, M., Coşereanu, C., Lica, D. (2011) – Reed-plant Biomass - as renewable and low-polluting energy resource. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL. ISSN 15829596
      • Lunguleasa. A. (2011) - Compaction coefficient of wooden briquettes used as renewable fuel. Environmental engineering and management journal. ISSN 15829596
      • Tuduce A.A., Timar, M.C., Sandu, I., Campean, M. (2011) - Influence of two cold immersion treatments upon the consolidant uptake and its distribution into the wooden structure. Journal of Int. Science Publications: Materials, Methods and Technologies Vol. 5 Part 2, pp. 201-212. ISSN 1313-2539
      • Szmutku, B., Campean, M., Porojan, M., Sandu, I. (2011) - SEM applications for the study of modifications in wood cell membrane. Journal of Int. Science Publications: Materials, Methods and Technologies Vol. 5 Part 1, pp. 363-374. ISSN 1313-2539
      • Barbu, M.C. (2011) - 1st Serbian Forestry Congress “Future with Forests”. ProLigno, ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 7, Nr. 1, pag. 71-73
      • Barbu, M.C. (2011) - Thanks to high economic rate, Serbia is so called the “Balkan Tiger”. ProLigno, ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 7, Nr. 1, pag. 60-66
      • Barbu, M.C., Matan, N. (2011) - International Wood Academy under flooding code in Thailand. ProLigno, ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 7, Nr. 2, pag. 66-68
      • Barbu, M.C. (2011) - Thailand – The Siam´s revival through forest plantations. ProLigno, ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 7, Nr. 2, pag. 56-65
      • Barbu, M.C. (2011) - Oregon State: King of forest products in the far west of the USA. ProLigno, ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 7, Nr. 3, pag. 59-67
      • Barbu, M.C. (2011) - Sustainable development and the role of the forest products industry: The 65th International Convention of the Forest Products Society. ProLigno, ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 7, Nr. 3, pag. 68-69
      • Barbu, M.C. (2011) - Challenges and opportunities in wood science education: 54th International Convention of Society for Wood Science and Technology. ProLigno, ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 7, Nr. 3, pag. 69-70
      • Barbu, M.C. (2011) - Current developments in the forestry and wood industry. ProLigno, ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 7, Nr. 4, pag. 111-124.
      • Ispas, M., Brenci, L., Campean, M. (2011) - Experimental studies on the rougnhess of thermal wood machined by CNC. PRO LIGNO ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 7(4). Pag. 59-70
      • Brenci, L.M., Cismaru, I., Coşereanu, C. (2011) - Experimental Research upon the Quality of the Sanded Surfaces of Some Decorative Composite Panels. PRO LIGNO ISSN 1841-4737. Vol. 7(2). Pag. 21-29
      • Olărescu, C, Coşereanu, C., (2011) - Research on the Thermal Insulation Potential of Some Composites Made of Biodegradable Materials, PRO LIGNO , ISSN 1841-4737. Vol. 7(3). Pag. 54-58
      • Stanciu, M.D., Curtu, I., Cosereanu, C., Vasile, O, Olărescu, C., (2011) - Evaluation of Absorption Coefficient of Biodegradable Composite Materials with Textile Inserts, Romanian. Journal of Acoustics & Vibration 8 (2), ISSN: 1584-7284.
      • Tuduce A.A., Timar, M.C., Campean, M. (2011) - Studies upon penetration of Paraloid B72 into poplar wood by cold immersion treatments. BULLETIN OF THE TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV - SERIES II: FORESTRY. WOOD INDUSTRY. AGRICULTURAL FOOD ENGINEERING Vol 4 (53), Nr. 1, pp. 81-88. 2065-2135,2065-2143(CD)
      • Szmutku, B., Campean, M., Sandu, I. (2011) - Microstructure modifications induced in spruce wood by freezing. PRO LIGNO. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 7(4):26-31
      • Campean, M., Gurau, L., Olarescu, C. (2011) - Effect of Heat Treatment upon Dimensional Stability and Static Bending Strength of Sessile Oak Wood. PRO LIGNO. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 7(2):46-55
      • Tuduce, A.A., Campean, M., Timar, M.C. (2011) - Compatibility Indicators in Developing Consolidation Materials with Nanoparticle Insertions for Old Wooden Objects. International Journal of Conservation Science 1(4):219-226. ISSN: 2067-533X
      • Sova, D., Postelnicu, A., Bedelean, B. (2011) - Assessment of drying quality by use of Kirpichev number. International Wood Product Journal Vol. 1(2)
      • Bedelean, B., Sova, D. (2011) - Investigations into possibility of minimizing aerodynamic resistance of kiln drying stacks. International Wood Product Journal Vol.1(2)



      • Timar, M.C., Gurau, L., Porojan, M. (2012) - Wood species identification, a challenge of scientific conservation. International Journal of Conservation Science, 3(1): 11-22
      • Timar, C., Beldean, E., Zeleniuc, O., Varodi. A. (2012) - O introspectiva a degradarii lemnului de fag (Fagus sylvatica L.), expus timp indelungat in exterior, deasupra solului : Partea 1: Tipuri de degradare si influenta tratamentelor de suprafata, relevate prin evaluare nedistructiva dupa 7 ani de expunere, PRO Ligno, 8 (2): 37-52
      • Timar, C., Beldean, E., Zeleniuc, O., Varodi. A. (2012) - O introspectiva a degradarii lemnului de fag (Fagus sylvatica L.), expus timp indelungat in exterior, deasupra solului. Partea a 2-a: Evolutia in timp a degradarii, evaluarea distructiva dupa 7 ani si influenta situatiei in expunere, PRO Ligno, 8 (3): 53-67
      • Tuduce Traistaru, A.A., Sandu, I.C.A., Timar, M.C., Dumitrescu, G.L., Sandu, I. (2012) - SEM-EDX, Water Absorption and Wetting Capability Studies on Evaluation of the Influence of Nano-Zinc Oxide as Additive to Paraloid B72 Solutions Used for Wooden Artifacts Consolidation. Microscopy Research and Technique 11/2012, DOI: 10.1002/jemt.22155, 1,79 Impact Factor
      • Tuduce Traistaru, A.A., Timar, M.C., Campean, M., Croitoru, C. (2012) - Paraloid B72 versus Paraloid B72 with Nano ZnO Additive as Consolidants for Frail Wood, Materiale Plastice, 49 (4): 293-300, 0,387 Impact Factor
      • Glowacki, R., Barbu, M.C., Wijck van, J. Chaowana, P. (2012) - The use of coconut husk in high pressure laminate production. Journal of Tropical Forest Sciences, Forest Research Institute Malaysia, ISSN 0128-1283, No. 24 (1), pag. 27-36
      • Kain, G., Teischinger, A., Musso, M., Barbu, M.C., Petutschnigg, A. (2012) - Stoffliche Rindennutzung in Form von Dämmstoffen. HolzTechnologie no.53/4, DRW-Verlag, ISSN 0018-3881, pag.31-37
      • Kain, G., Barbu, M.C., Teischinger, A., Musso, M., Petutschnigg, A. (2012) - Substantial bark use as insulation material. Forest Products Journal 62 (6): 480-487
      • Curtu, I., Stanciu, M.D., Coşereanu, C., Ovidiu, V. (2012) - Assessment of acoustic properties of biodegradable composite materials with textile inserts, Materiale Plastice 49(1), 68-72, ISSN: 0025-5289
      • Câmpean, M., Marinescu I., (2012) - Solar systems for wood drying revista:ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL ISSN 15829596
      • Tuduce, A.A., Timar, M.C., Câmpean, M., Croitoru, C., Sandu, I. (2012) - Paraloid B72 Versus Paraloid B72 with Nano-ZnO Additive as Consolidants for Wooden Artefacts. Revista Materiale Plastice. ISSN 00255289
      • Barbu, M.C. 2012) - Turkey – a growing wood sector due to real estate development. ProLigno, ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 8(1). Pag. 52-65.
      • Barbu, M.C., Salca, E., Tudor, E. (2012) - The 1st Worshop “Basics for Chemistry of Wood Surface Modification”. ProLigno, ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 8(2). Pag. 100-102.
      • Barbu, M.C. (2012) - Forest resources in the far West of Europe. Portugal: Sustainable development and world leader thanks to cork. ProLigno ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 8(3). Pag. 89-96.
      • Barbu, M.C. (2012) - Participation record at IUFRO All Division 5 “Forest products” Conference in Estoril/Lisbon, Portugal. ProLigno ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 8(3). Pag. 97-101.
      • Brenci, L.M., Coşereanu, C., Cismaru, I., Fotin, A. (2012) - Research of the behaviour of the MDF door frames after immersion in water.PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430, Vol: 8(2). Pag. 80-88
      • Cosereanu, C., Lazarescu, C., Olarescu, C., Laurenzi, W., (2012) - Ecological Solutions for Low Energy Building Walls. PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430 Vol. 8(1). Pag. 28-34
      • Lica, D., Coşereanu, C., Budău, G., Lunguleasa, A., (2012) - Characteristics of Reed Briquettes – Biomass Renewable Resource of the Danube Delta. PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 8(1). Pag. 44-51
      • Brenci, L.M, Coşereanu, C., Fotin, A., (2012) - Experimental research concerning the wear of the milling edges upon the quality of wood surfaces, Scientific Research & Education in the Air Force-AFASES 1, BDI: Google Scholar, ISSN: 2247-3173.
      • Olarescu, C., Campean, M. (2012) - Effect of heat treatment upon dimensional stability and mass loss of black pine and spruce wood originating from mature trees vs. Thinnings. PRO LIGNO. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 8(4):44-57
      • Gurau, L., Campean, M., Olarescu, C., Porojan, M., Marton (2012) - The effect of the heat treatment of sessile oak wood (Quercus petrea l.) from young trees on the properties of panels with transversal grain. PRO LIGNO. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 8(2):53-67
      • Szmutku B., Campean, M., Laurenzi, W. (2012) - Influence of cyclic freezing and thawing upon spruce wood properties. . PRO LIGNO. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 8(1):35-43
      • Bedelean, B., Sova, D. (2012) - Performance assesment of a laboratory drying kiln designed with and without baffles. Pro Ligno. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 8(2)
      • Lăzărescu, C., Bedelean, B., Avramidis, S. (2012) - Heating characteristics of softwoods in a high frequency field. Pro Ligno. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 8(4)


      • Gurau, L., Mansfield-Williams, H., Irle, M. (2013) - The influence of measuring resolution on the subsequent roughness parameters of sanded wood surfaces. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products (Holz als Roh und Werkstoff). 1/2013,71(1):5-11, Ed. Springer DOI: 10.1007/s00107-012-0645-4;
      • M.B. Szmutku, V. Popa, Campean, M. (2013) Experimental Study Regarding the Freezing and Thawing Dynamics of Spruce Wood, PRO LIGNO 9(1):50-60.
      • Zeleniuc, O., Bedelean, B. (2013) - Formaldehyde emission from wood based panels an environmental issue. ProLigno, Vol 9 (4), pp. 498-503,
      • Kain, G. , Barbu, M.C., Hinterreiter, S., Richter, K., Petutschnigg, A. (2013) - Using bark as heat insulation material. BioRessources 8(3), pag. 3718-3731
      • Zeller, F., Barbu, M.C., Iwakiri, S. (2013) - Parica (Schizolobium amazonicum) and embauba (Cecropia sp.) as new raw materials for particleboards. European Journal for Wood Products 71: 823–825
      • Shalbafan, A., Benthien, J., Welling, J., Barbu, M.C. (2013) - Flat pressed wood plastic composites made of milled foam core particleboard residues. European Journal for Wood Products 71: 805–813
      • Szmutku B., Campean, M., Porojan, M. (2013) - Strength reduction of spruce wood through slow freezing. Eur. J. Wood Prod. (2013) 71(2):205-210. ISSN: 0018-3768 (print version) ISSN: 1436-736X (electronic version)
      • Barbu, M.C. (2013) - China - The Most Important Player in the Global Trade of Wood Based Products, ProLigno ISSN 1841-4737, Vol. 9, Nr. 2, pag. 62-75
      • Barbu, M.C. (2013) - Forest and Wood Industry in Romania. ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol. 9, Nr. 4, pag.3-6
      • Barbu, M.C. (2013) - Changes in the European Wood Science Education. ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol. 9, Nr. 4, pag.28-38
      • Young, T., Barbu, M.C., Petutschnigg, A. (2013) - The Evolution of Knowledge in Forest Products Manufacturing. ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol. 9, Nr. 4, pag. 22-27
      • Weissensteiner, J., Barbu, M.C. (2013) - Cross Laminated Timber – European Experiences. ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol. 9, Nr. 4, pag.69-72
      • Kain, G., Heinzmann, B., Barbu, M.C., Petutschnigg, A. (2013) - Softwood Bark for Modern Composites. ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol. 9, Nr. 4, pag.460-468
      • Boran, S. , Dönmez-Cavdar, A. , Barbu, M.C. (2013) - Evaluation of Bamboo as Furniture Material and its Furniture Designs. ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol. 9, Nr. 4, pag.811-819
      • Brenci, L.M., Coşereanu, C., Cismaru, I., Fotin, A., Pop, M.,(2013) - New Composite Structures Designed for Building Acoustic Insulation. PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 9(4). Pag. 483-490
      • Fotin, A., Cismaru, I., Coşereanu, C., Brenci, L.M. (2013) - Influence of the processing parameters upon the birch wood surface PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 9(4). Pag. 760-770.
      • Fotin, A., Coşereanu, C., Brenci, M.L. (2013) - Assessment of the final quality of the sanded surfaces in case of birch wood. ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430. Vol.9(3). Pag. 13-25.
      • Brenci, L.M., Coşereanu, C., Fotin, A., Vasilache, A. (2013) - Research on the Thermal Conductivity of Composites Made of Ecological Fibers. PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 9(3). Pag. 34-41.
      • Fotin, A., Coşereanu, C., Brenci, L.M. (2013) - Assessment of the Final Quality of the Sanded Surfaces in Case of Birch Wood. PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 9(3). Pag. 13-25.
      • Coşereanu, C., Lăzărescu, C., (2013). Determination of the Water Resistance of the Wood Textile Reinforced Composites, ProLigno Vol.9 Nr.4, 477-482,
      • Curtu, I., Dates, R.N., Stanciu, M.D., Coşereanu, C. (2013) - Modeling rheological behavior of the bolted joints used in wood constructions, ProLigno, ISSN 2069-7430. vol. 9, nr.4, BDI: CABI, ISSN: 2069-7430.
      • Szmutku, Campean, M., Porojan, M. (2013) - Upon the Drying of Frozen Spruce Timber. PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430. 9(4):700-708
      • Szmutku, B., Nemeth, Campean, M. (2013) - Effect of Different Freezing Conditions Upon the Diffusion Coefficient of Spruce Wood. PRO LIGNO. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol 9(3):3-12
      • Olărescu C., Campean, M., Porojan, M. (2013) - Effect of Heat Treatment Upon the Compression Strength of Black Pine and Spruce – A Comparison Between Wood Originating From Mature Trees Vs. Thinnings. PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430. Vol 9(2):50-61
      • Szmutku, B., Popa V., Campean, M. (2013) - Experimental Study Regarding the Freezing and Thawing Dynamics of Spruce Wood. PRO LIGNO. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol 9(1):50-60
      • Szmutku, M., Câmpean, M., Bedelean, B. (2013) - Upon the drying of frozen spruce timber. PRO LIGNO. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 9(4)
      • Sova, D. Bedelean, B. (2013) - Statistical analysis of simulated wood drying schedules concerning drying time reduction in an experimental kiln. Pro Ligno. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 9(4)
      • Bedelean, B., Șova, D. (2013) - Revealing the relation between independent variables and drying time implemented in Torksim by means of artificial neural networks: A preliminary study. Pro Ligno. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 9(4)
      • Gherghişan, M.A., Cismaru, I. (2013) - Research Concerning the Influence of Matrix in Hemp Hurds Composites on Thermal Conductivity. Pro Ligno. ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 9(3) :26-33


      • Gurau, L., Mansfield-Williams, H., Irle, M. (2014) - Convergence of the robust Gaussian regression filter applied to sanded wood surfaces. Wood Science and Technology. ISSN 0043-7719. DOI 10.1007/s00226-014-0663-y.
      • Gurau, L. (2014) - The influence of earlywood and latewood upon the processing roughness parameters at sanding. PRO Ligno, Vol. 10, No.3. September 2014, Online ISSN 2069-7430, ISSN-L 1841-4737.
      • Liu, X.Y, Timar, M.C., Varodi, A. (2014) - A preliminary study of three finishing materials for traditional Chinese furniture. Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry, 2014, 4, 85-92.
      • Laurenzi, W. (2014) - Can active experiments be used in woodworking processes? PRO Ligno, Vol. 10, No.3. September 2014, Online ISSN 2069-7430, ISSN-L 1841-4737. Ed. Univ. Transilvania Brasov,
      • Griu (Dobrev), T., Lunguleasa, A., Bedelean, B., Spirchez, C. (2014) - The compressive strength as one of the main properties of wood biomass. Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola, Portugal, vol.29, nr.7.
      • Spirchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., Cosereanu, C., Griu (Dobrev), T. (2014) - Calorific power of composite materials biomass in order to obtain solid fuels, Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola, Portugal, vol.29, nr.9, 2014.
      • Ciobanu, V., Ciobanu, CIOBANU, D., Zeleniuc, O., Dumitrascu, A.E., Lepadatescu, B., Iancu, B. (2014) - The influence of speed and press factor on oriented strand board performance in continuous press, BioResources. 9(4), 6805-6816.
      • Akrami, A., Barbu, M.C., Frühwald, A. (2014) - Characterization of properties of oriented strand boards from beech and poplar. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 72(3): 393-398
      • Akrami, A., Barbu, M.C., Frühwald, A. (2014) - The effect of fine strands in core layer on physical and mechanical properties of oriented strand boards (OSB) made of beech (Fagus sylvatica) and poplar (Populus tremula). European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 72(3): 521-525
      • Kain, G., Güttler, V., Barbu, M.C., Petutschnigg, A., Richter, K., Tondi, G. (2014) - Density related properties of bark insulation boards bonded with tannin hexamine resin. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 72(4):417-424
      • Akrami, A., Frühwald, A., Barbu, M.C. (2014) - Supplementing pine with European beech and poplar in oriented strand boards. Wood Material Science and Engineering
      • Olărescu, M.C., Câmpan, C., Ispas, M., Coşereanu, C. (2014) - Effect of thermal treatment on some properties of lime wood. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. Vol 27(4). Pages: 559-562. DOI: 10.1007/s00107-014-0809-5
      • Olărescu, C., Campean, M, Ispas, M., Olărescu, A. (2014) – Dimensional stabilization of wood originating from small-diameter trees through heat treatment. BioResources. ISSN:19302126
      • Croitoru, C., Paţachia S., Lunguleas, A. (2014) - A mild method of wood impregnation with biopolymers and resins using 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride as carrier. Chemical Engineering Research and design
      • Olarescu C., Campean. M. , Olarescu. A. (2014) - Dimensional stabilization of wood originating from small-diameter trees through heat treatment. BioResources 9(3), Pag: 4844-4861. DOI: 10.15376/biores.9.3.4844-4861. ISSN: 1930-2126
      • Cismaru, I., Gheghişan, A.M. (2014) – Influence exerted by the structural matrix of thhe composite boards made og hemp hurds, on the thermal-transfer-factor. Materiale Plastice. Vol. 51(3):241-245. ISSN ISSN 00255289
      • BARBU, M.C. (2014) - Japan: housing sector requires 40% from wood demand. ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol. 10, Nr. 1, pag.54-61
      • BARBU, M.C. (2014) - Portugal in March: European Conference on Wood Modification and Cost Training School on Decorative Laminates. ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol. 10, Nr. 2, pag.46-47
      • Brenci, L.M., Cismaru, I., Fotin, A., Zeleniuc, O. (2014) - The influence of ecological materiales embendded into composite upon the thermal insulating capacity. PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430, 10(4):63-68
      • Cismaru, I., Brenci, L.M. (2014) - Application of the commissionership system to wood industry-safe and sustainable development way. PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430, 10(2): 34-39
      • Fotin, A., Brenci, L.M. (2014) - Research on the Optimum Embedment depth of the dowel pins into the particleboard joints. PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430, 10(1): 31-37
      • Brenci, L.M. (2014) - Integration of the concession-system pylon into the trinomial tower – rapid and efficient path in development management. Review of General Management. 20(2). Pag. 26-35. ISSN 1841-818X
      • Cismaru, I., Brenci, L.M. (2014) - Complex trinomial system-basis for the management of the socioeconomic development Review of General Management 19(1). Pag. 73-83. ISSN 1841-818X
      • Coşereanu, C., Lica, D., (2014). Wood - Plastic Composites from Waste Materials Resulted in the Furniture Manufacturing Process, PRO LIGNO Vol.10, nr. 2, 26-33
      • Diaconu, C.P., Stanciu, M.D., Curtu, I., Doşa, A., Grosaru, F.A., Coşereanu, C. (2014) - Modern Building Structures Used for Military Purposes, Journal of Defense Resources, 117-122, ISSN: 2068-9403
      • Coşereanu, C., Cismaru, I., (2014) - Complex Ornament Machining Process on a CNC Router, PRO LIGNO. ISSN: 2069-7430Vol. 10(1):22-30,.
      • Lica, D., Coşereanu, C., (2014) - Investigation on the Properties of Pedunculate Oak Wood Affected by Oak Decline, PRO LIGNO, ISSN: 2069-7430. Vol. 10(4): 69-78.
      • Coşereanu, C., Lica, D., Curtu, I., Stanciu, M.D., (2014) - Water Resistance of Wood - Plastic Composites Made from Waste Materials Resulted in the Furniture Manufacturing Process, PRO LIGNO ISSN: 2069-7430. Vol. 10( 4):35-39.
      • Olarescu, C., Campean, C., Varodi. A. (2014) - Colour and dimensional modifications of solid wood panels made from heat-treated spruce wood after three months of outdoor exposure. PRO LIGNO ISSN: 2069-7430. 10(3):46-54
      • Ispas. M, Câmpean. M. (2014) – Experimental research on sawing frozen wood. BULLETIN OF THE TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV - SERIES II: FORESTRY. WOOD INDUSTRY. AGRICULTURAL FOOD ENGINEERING. Vol. 7 (56) No.1. pp 51-58. 2065-2135,2065-2143(CD)
      • Bedelean, B. (2014) - Comparative analysis between a drying kiln designed with and without top baffles. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science 11 (1) DOI: 10.1007/s13196-014-0115-1
      • Ispas, M., Gurău, L., Răcăşan, S. (2014) - Study Regarding the Variation of the Thrust Force, Drilling Torque and Surface Delamination with the Feed per Tooth and Drill Tip Angle at Drilling Pre-laminated Particleboard. PRO LIGNO, ISSN: 2069-7430. Vol. 10(4):40-52.
      • Cismaru, I., Fotin, A. (2014) - Design and Manufacturing of Modular Parquet Flooring in Industrial System. PRO LIGNO, ISSN: 2069-7430. Vol. 10(3):34-45.
      • Budău, G., Ispas, M., (2014) - Theoretical Clarifications Regarding the Concept of Working Capacity of Wood-Working Machine-Tools. PRO LIGNO, ISSN: 2069-7430. Vol. 10(3): 55-61
      • Cismaru, I., Brenci, L.M. (2014) - Application of the Commissionership System to Wood Industry–Safe and Sustainable Development Way. PRO LIGNO, ISSN: 2069-7430. Vol. 10(3): 34-39
      • Fotin, A., Brenci, L.M. (2014) - Research on the Optimum Embedment Depth of the Dowel Pins into the Particleboard Joints. PRO LIGNO, ISSN: 2069-7430. Vol. 10(3): 31-37


      • Kain, G., Charwat-Pessler, J., BARBU, M.C., Plank, B., Richter, K., Petutschnigg, A. (2015) - Analyzing wood bark insulation board structure using X-ray computed tomography and modeling its thermal conductivity by means of finite difference method. Journal of Composite Materials 1-12
      • Kain, G., Güttler, V., Lienbacher, B., Barbu, M.C., Petutschnigg, A. Richter, K., Tondi, G. (2015) - Effect of different flavonoid extracts in the optimization of tannin-glued bark insulation boards. Wood and Fiber Science 47(3): 1-12
      • Kain, G., Barbu, M.C., Richter, K., Plank, B., Tondi, G., Petutschnigg A. (2015) - Use of tree bark as insulation material. Forest Products Journal 65 (3/4):16-25
      • Rindler, A., Solt, P., Schnabel, T., Barbu, M.C. (2015) - Comparison between HB and HDF made from waste leather. Forest Products Journal 65 (3/4):39-47
      • Chaowana, P., Barbu, M.C., Frühwald, A. (2015) - Bamboo - a functionally graded composite material. Forest Products Journal 65 (3/4): 48-53
      • Coşereanu, C., Brenci, L.M., Zeleniuc, O., Fotin, A. (2015) - Effect of particle size and eometry of single-layer and three-layer particleboard made from sunflower seed husks BioResources Journal 10(1):pp 1127-1136. ISSN: 1930-2126
      • Croitoru, C., Paţachia S., Lunguleas, A. (2015) - New Method of Wood Impregnation with Inorganic Compounds Using Ethyl Methylimidazolium Chloride as Carrier. Journal of wood chemistry and technology ISSN:02773813
      • Bedelean, B., Lazarescu, C., Avramidis, S. (2015) - Predicting RF Heating Rate During Pasteurization of Green Softwoods Using Artificial Neural Networks and Monte Carlo Method. Wood Research, vol.60 (1), pp.83-94
      • Szmutku, M., Câmpean, M., Nemeth, R., Bedelean, B. (2015) - Energy consumption in drying of frozen spruce wood. Environmental Engineering and Managament Journal
      • Cismaru, I., Hadăr, A., Gherghişan, A.M. (2015) – Influence of the structural matrix upon the themal-transfer fator in case of the composie boards of hemp huurds (II). Revista Materiale Plastice. Vol. 52(1): 13-19. ISSN 00255289
      • Coşereanu, C., Lica, D., Lunguleasa, A., (2015) - Investigation on the quality of briquettes made from rarely used wood species, agro-wastes and forest biomass, PRO LIGNO, ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 11(1):32-39
      • Cismaru, I., Brenci, L.M. (2015) - Research Pillar of Trinomial Tower – Catalyst of Sustainable Development. Review of General Management. 21(1). Pag. 5-16. ISSN 1841-818X
      • Cismaru, I., Brenci, L.M. (2015) - The social pylon within the trinomial tower – logistic and managerial sustainingelement for evolution and development. Review of General Management. 22(2). Pag. 39-54. ISSN 1841-818X
      • Răcăşan, S., Ispas, M. (2015) - Comparative Study on the Technical Performances of Two Thicknessing Machines. PRO LIGNO, ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 11(2). Pag. 11-30
      • Câmpean, M. (2015) - Influence of Moisture Diffusion Rate of Bound Water Upon the Drying Time of Steamed and Unsteamed Beech Wood. PRO LIGNO, ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 11(2). Pag. 31-38
      • Cismaru, I., Filipaşcu, M., Turcaş (Diaconu), O.M., Fotin, A. (2015) - Wooden Flooring – Between Present and Future. PRO LIGNO, ISSN 2069-7430. Vol. 11(2). Pag. 39-50


      • Șova, D., Bedelean, B., Sandu, V., (2016) Application of Response Surface Methodology to Optimization of Wood Drying Conditions in a Pilot-Scale Kiln. BALTIC FORESTRY, Vol. 22, No. 2 (43), Pag.348-356.
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      • Ispas, M., Gurău L., Câmpean, M., Hacibektasoglu, M., Răcășan S., (2016) Milling of Heat-Treated Beech Wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Analysis of Surface Quality. BioResources Journal, Vol.11(4), Pag. 9095-9111 ISSN: 1930-2126.
      • Timar,M.C., Varodi,A., Hacibektasoglu, M., Câmpean, M., (2016) Color and FTIR analysis of chemical changes in beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) after light streaming and heat treatment in two different environments. BioResources Journal, Vol. 11(4),8325-8343, ISSN: 1930-2126.
      • Cerbu, C., Coșereanu, C., (2016) Moisture effects on the mechanical behavior of fir wood flour/glass reinforced epoxy composite. BioResources Journal , Vol. 11(4), Pag. 8364-8385. DOI: 10.15376/ biores.11.4.8364-8385.
      • Timar,M.C., Gurău L., Varodi,A., (2016) Comparative study of photodegradation of six wood species after short-time UV exposure. Journal Wood Science and Technology, Vol. 50(1), Pag. 135-163 (DOI) 10.1007/s00226-015-0771-3, ISSN 0043-7719.
      • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., Grîu(Dobrev), T., (2016) Testing model for assessment of lignocellulose-based pellets. Wood Research Journal, Vol. 61 (2), pag.331-340.
      • Grîu, T., Lunguleasa, A., (2016)The use of the White poplar (Populus alba L) biomass as fuel. Journal of Forestry Research, Vol.27 (3), Pag.719-725, ISSN 1993-0607.
      • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., (2016)Shear and crushing strengths of wood pellets. Drewno Journal, vol.59, nr.198, Pag. 87-97, DOI: 10.12841/wood.1644-3985.170.04.
      • Grîu, T., Lunguleasa, A., (2016) Salix viminalis vs. Fagus sylvatica - Figth for Renewable energy from woody biomass in Romania. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.15, No. 2, Pag. 413-420.
      • Mușat, E.C., Salcă E.A., Dinulică, F., Ciobanu, V. D., Dumitrașcu A.E., (2016) Evaluation of color variability of oak veneers for sorting. BioResources Journal, Vol.11(1), Pag.573-584.
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      • Heinzmann, B., Barbu, M.C., (2016) Genauigkeit der fotooptischen Poltervermessung von Industrieholz am Beispiel von FOVEA. JurnalBDI:Forstarchiv, 84. Pag. 194-197 ISSN 0300-4112.
      • Barbu, M.C., (2016)Universitäre Ausbildung für Holzwissenschaft in Europa und weltweit; Teil 13: Weißrußland. JurnalBDI:Holztechnologie (1/6). Pag. 52-54.
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      • Kain, G., Barbu, M.C., Petutschnigg, A., (2016) Insulation material made from tree bark. JurnalBDI:Unasylva, No. 247/278, Vol 16 Pag. 67-75.
      • Beldean, E., Timar, M.C., Porojan, M., (2016) Bamboo-a Challenging material for Romanian Engineers. Part 1. Understanding the material. JurnalBDI:Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series II, Vol. 9 (58) No.1, Pag. 29-36.
      • Beldean, E., Timar, M.C., Porojan, M., (2016) Bamboo-a Challenging material for Romanian Engineers. Part 2. An experimental study on its anatomy and some physical and mechanical properties. JurnalBDI:Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series II, Vol. 9 (58) No.2, Pag. 37-44.
      • Brenci, L.M., (2016) Eco-Composites Designed for Thermal and Acoustic Insulation of Buildings. JurnalBDI:Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov seria II, vol 9(58) no. 2, Pag, 47-52.
      • Fotin, A., Lunguleasa, A., Coșereanu, C., Brenci, L.M., (2016) Research on using plywood made from domestic species of wood for longboard manufacturing. JurnalBDI:Pro Ligno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.12 (3), Pag. 34-41
      • Câmpean, M., Lăzărescu, C., (2016) Considerations upon the drying of oak wood lumber. JurnalBDI:Bulletin of Transilvania University of Brasov, Series II Vol. 9 (58) No.1, Pag. 37-42
      • Cismaru, I., Coșereanu, C., (2016) Correlation Between Parameters and Geometry in case of Designing Spiral Twist with Variable Pitch. JurnalBDI:PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.12 (4), Pag. 30-40.
      • Lunguleasa, A., Coșereanu, C., Spîrchez, C., Dobrev(Grîu), T., (2016)Calorific Properties of Wastes From Some Exotic Wood Species. JurnalBDI:Pro Ligno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.12 (1), Pag. 51-57.
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      • Amiandamhen, S. O., Montecuccoli, Z., Meincken, M., Barbu, M. C., Tyhoda, L., (2017) Phosphate bonded wood composite products from invasive Acacia trees occurring on the Cape Coastal plains of South Africa. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, Vol. 76(2), Pag. 437-444, ISSN 1436-736X.
      • Kain, G. , Lienbacher, B., Barbu, M.C., Richter K., Petutschnigg, A., (2017) Larch bark insulation board: interactions of particle orientation, physical–mechanical and thermal properties. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, Vol. 76(2), Pag. 489-498, ISSN 1436-736X.
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      • Hacibektasoglu, M., Câmpean, M., Ispas, M., Gurău, L., (2017) Influence of Heat Treatment Duration on the Machinability of Beech Wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) by Planing. BioResources Journal Vol.12(2), Pag. 2780-2791.
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      • Gurău, L., Petru, A., Varodi, A., Timar, M. C. (2017) The influence of CO2 laser beam power output and scanning speed on surface roughness and colour changes of beech (Fagus sylvatica). BioResources Journal Vol. 12(4), Pag. 7395-7412.
      • Lunguleasa, A., Spîrchez, C., (2017) Torrefaction Of Lamellar Panels Made Of Oak And Spruce Wood Species. Wood Research Journal Vol. 62(2) Pag. 319-328.
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      • Mantanis G.I., Athanassiadou E.Th., Barbu, M.C., Wijnendaele, K., (2017) Adhesive systems used in the European particleboard, MDF and OSB industries. JurnalBDI:Wood Material Science & Engineering, Pag. 1-13, ISSN: 1748-0280
      • Barbu, M.C., Goodell, B., (2017) Universitäre Ausbildung für Holzwissenschaft in Europa und weltweit; Teil 17: USA(1) JurnalBDI:HolzTechnologie, Vol.58 (1/6), Pag. 52-56.
      • Krenn, S., Huber, H., Barbu, M.C., Petutschnigg, A., Schnabel T., (2017) Dämmplatten aus ein- und mehrjährigen Pflanzen gebunden mit Tannin und anderen Klebstoffen. JurnalBDI:HolzTechnologie, Vol.58 (4/6), Pag. 33-39.
      • HEINZMANN, B., Barbu, M.C., Effect of mid-diameter and log-parameters on the conversion factor of cubic measure to solid measure concerning industrial timber. JurnalBDI:Pro Ligno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (1), Pag. 39-44.
      • Barbu, M.C., Young, T.M., Hiziroglu, S.S. (2017) Trends of the wood products higher education in North America. JurnalBDI:Pro Ligno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag. 42-54.
      • Krenn, S., Huber, H., Barbu, M.C., Petutschnigg, A., Schnabel T., (2017) Insulation boards made of annual and perennial plants bonded with tannins and other adhesives. Pro Ligno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag. 227-235.
      • Young, T., Petutschnigg, A., Barbu, M.C., Industry 4.0 – Pragmatic algorithms, information quality and relational databases. Pro Ligno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag. 565-569.
      • Georgescu, S., Bedelean, B., (2017) Effect of Heat Treatment on Compresive And Tensile Strength of End To Edge Butt Joint. JurnalBDI:Pro Ligno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag. 500-507.
      • Timar, M.C., Beldean, E., Varodi, A., Muscu, I., (2017) Old Wood Recovered from Constructions – from Scientific Challenge to Design Opportunities JurnalBDI:ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag. 437-446.
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      • Zeleniuc, O., Brenci, L.M., Spîrchez, C., (2017) Evaluation of oriented strand board behavior on fire. JurnalBDI:PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag. 212-218.
      • Lengyel, K., N., Câmpean, M., (2017) In-Line Preparation System for The Paraffin Emulsion Used Within a Particleboards Manufacturing Line. JurnalBDI: Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series II Vol. 10 (59) No.1.
      • Câmpean, M., Ishii, S., Georgescu, S.,Drying Time And Quality Of Eds-Treated Compared To Untreated Beech Wood (Fagus japonica). JurnalBDI:PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (3), Pag. 23-30.
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      • Lunguleasa, A., Spirchez,C., Fotin, A., (2017) Research On Briquettes Obtained From Shredded Tobacco Cigarettes, As A Ligno-Cellulose Fuel. JurnalBDI:Pro Ligno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag 579-585.
      • Fotin, A., Cismaru, I., (2017)Mechanization Of Wooden Framed Lamellar Panels Designed For Packaging Crates, Way Of Increasing Productivity And Quality. JurnalBDI:Pro Ligno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag 168-173.
      • Țurcaș, O.M.,Fotin, A., Cismaru, I., (2017) Determining The Behavior Of The Basketball, On Vertical Direction, On Surfaces Of Floorings Conceived For Gymnasiums. JurnalBDI:Pro Ligno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag 527-532.
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      • Grecu, V., (2017)Research Upon Creating A System For Conversion The Water Kinetic Energy Of Hill And Mountain Rivers In Green Energy, Using Recycling Materials. JurnalBDI:PRO LIGNO ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag. 520-526
      • Ispas, M., Răcășan, S., (2017) Study Regarding The Influence Of The Tool Geometry And Feed Rate On The Drilling Quality Of Mdf Panels. JurnalBDI:ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag. 174-180.
      • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., Croitoru, C., (2017) Importance of combustible characteristics of biomass. Journal of EcoAgriTourism, vol.13,Nr.1(34), pag.42-46, ISSN 1844-8577.
      • Lunguleasa, A., Ionescu, C. Ș., (2017)Problems And Solutions Of Classical And Innovative Interventions On Cultural Objects With Wood Supports. JurnalBDI:ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag. 447-454.
      • Lunguleasa, A., Petru, A., (2017) Colour Infuence Of The Laser Raster Speed On Wood Pyrography. JurnalBDI:Pro Ligno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag. 508-515.
      • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., (2017) Research into the properties of an innovative wood-plastic composite. Journal PRO LIGNO, vol.13, Nr.4, pag,283-289, ISSN 2069-7430.
      • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., Croitoru, C., (2017) The importance of the wood biomass in environment protection. International Conference on Environment, Chemical Engineering and Materials, 27-29 iunie 2017, Brasov, ISBN 978-0-7354-1610-9.
      • Bartha, B., Olărescu, A., (2017 )Guide For Value-Adding Contemporary Architecture And Furniture Design In Vernacular Spirit. JurnalBDI:ProLigno ISSN 2069-7430, Vol.13 (4), Pag. 471-481.
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      • Lunguleasa, A., Spîrchez, C., (2017) The Compaction - Compression Coefficient of Chipboard Plates. RECENT -Rezultatele Cercetarilor Noastre Tehnice, UNIV. BRASOV;1582-0246,2065-4529(e)
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      • Olărescu, A. M., Gronegger, T.H., Bartha, B., Cionca, M., Muscu I., 2018. Non formal education in design field. Innovation in woodworking industry and engineering design, No. 2 (14), pp. 27 – 35. ISSN 1314 – 6149.
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      • Georgescu, S., Varodi, A.M., Răcășan, S., Bedelean, B., (2019). Effect of the dowel length, dowel diameter, and adhesive consumption on bending moment capacity of heat-treated wood dowel joints. Bioresources, Vol.14 (3), pag.6619-6632. ISSN: 1930-2126. DOI: 10.15376/biores.14.3.6619-6632.
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      • Gliga, V., Stanciu, M.D., Nastac, S., Dinulică, F., Câmpean, M. (2019). Study Concerning the Natural Frequency and Damping Factor of the Top and Back Plate for Different Types Of Violins. Pro Ligno Vol.15(4):, pag.67-74. ISSN (ONLINE) 2069-7430.
      • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., Gaceu, L., (2019). Researches on grape husk waste obtained from the winery and its use as pellets for combustion. Wood Research, Vol. 64(3), pag.549-556. ISSN: 1336-4561.
      • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., (2019). Comparative study of spruce and beech pellets in terms of physical, mechanical and energy properties. Pro Ligno, Vol.15 (4), pag. 321-328. ISSN: 2069-7430.
      • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., Gaceu, L., (2019). Characteristics of the wood biomass. Journal of EcoAgriTourism, Vol.1. ISSN: 1844-8577.
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      • Spîrchez, C., Ayrilmis, N., Lunguleasa, A., Croitoru, C., Prună, M., (2019). Some properties of pellets made of spruce and beech torrefied sawdust. Environmental Research and Technology, Vol.2(1), pag.26-33. ISSN: 2636-8498.
      • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., Croitoru, C., Gaceu, L., (2019). Importanța potențialului energetic al biomasei lemnoase. Buletinul AGIR (Asociația Generală a Inginerilor din România), nr.2, pag.12-16.ISSN: 1224-7928.
      • Zeleniuc, O., Brenci, L., Cosereanu, C., Fotin, A., (2019). Influence of Adhesive Type and Content on the Properties of Particleboard Made from Sunflower Husks. BioResources, Vol.14(3), 7316-7331. ISSN: 1930-2126. DOI:10.15376/biores.14.3.7316-7331.
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      • Schnabel, T., BARBU, M.C., Windeisen, E., Petutschnigg, A., Tondi, G., (2019). Impact of Leather on the Fire Resistance of Leather-Wood Fibreboard: FT-IR Spectroscopy and Pyrolysis-GC-MS Investigation. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2019, pag. 1-8. ISSN 1687-8442. DOI: 10.1155/2019/2473927.
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      • Pásztory, Z., Heinzmann, B., BARBU, M.C., (2019). Comparison of different stack measuring methods. Siberian Journal of Forest Science, Vol. 3, pag.5-13. ISSN 2311-1410. DOI 10.15372/SJFS20190301.
      • Medved, S., Tudor, E.M., BARBU, M.C., Jambreković, V., Spanic, N., (2019). Effect of pine bark dust on particleboard thickness swelling and internal bond. Drvna industrija, Vol. 70 (2), Pag. 141-147. ISSN: 0012-6772. DOI: 10.5552/drvind.2019.1902.
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      • Varodi, A.M., Beldean, E., Timar, M.C., (2019). Furan resin as potential substitute for phenol-formaldehyde resin in plywood manufacturing. Bioresources, Vol. 14(2), pag. 2727-2739. ISSN 1930-2126.
      • Georgescu, S.V., Coşereanu, C., Fotin A., Brenci L.M., Costiuc, L., (2019). Experimental thermal characterization of timber frame exterior wall using reed straws as heat insulation materials. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 138, pag. 2505–2513. ISSN (ONLINE): 1588-2926. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-019-08325-2.
      • Zeleniuc, O., Brenci, L.M., Coşereanu, C., Fotin, A., (2019). Influence of Adhesive Type and Content on the Properties of Particleboard Made from Sunflower Husks. BioResources, Vol. 14(3), pag. 7316-7331. ISSN 1930-2126. DOI: 10.15376/biores.14.3.7316-7331
      • Reiprecht, L., Pop, D.M., Vidholdova Z., Timar, M.C., (2019). Anti-decay potential of five essential oils against wood decaying fungi Serpula lacrymans and Trametes versicolor, Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen, Vol. 61(2), pag. 63−72. ISSN:1336-3824. DOI 10.17423/afx.2019.61.2.06.
      • Liu, X.Y, Timar, M.C, Varodi, A.M. (2019). A comparative study on the artificial UV and natural ageing of beeswax and Chinese wax and influence of wax finishing on the ageing of Chinese Ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) wood surfaces. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology B: Biology, Vol. 201, 111607, pag. 1873-2682. DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2019.111607.
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      • Ispas, M., Coșereanu, C., Zeleniuc, O. and Porojan, M., (2019). Flexural Properties of Blockboard Reinforced with Glass Fiber and Various Types of Fabrics. BioResources, Vol. 14(4), pag. 9882-9892. ISSN 1930-2126.
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        • Răcășan, S., Bedelean B., Georgescu, S., Varodi, A.M., (2020). Comparison Between Artificial Neural Networks and Response Surface Methodology to Predict the Bending Moment Capacity of Heat-treated Wood Dowel Joints. Bioresources, Vol.15 (3), pag. 5764-5775. ISSN: 1930-2126. DOI: 10.15376/biores.15.3.5764-5775.
        • Gliga, V., Stanciu, M.D., Nastac, S., Câmpean, M. (2020). Modal Analysis of Violin Bodies with Back Plates Made of Different Wood Species. BioResources Vol.15(4), pag. 7687-7713. ISSN: 1930-2126. DOI: 10.15376/biores.15.4.7687-7713.
        • Brandstetter, M., Zeleniuc, O., Pei, Gh., Câmpean, M. (2020). Conversion Efficiency of Fir Roundwood into Sawlogs. BioResources Vol. 15(3), pag. 5653-5665. ISSN: 1930-2126. DOI: 10.15376/biores.15.3.5653-5665.
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        • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., Gaceu, L., (2020). Caloric analysis of the wood biomass from softwood species. Journal of EcoAgriTourism, Vol.16, Nr.1(40), pag.31-35. ISSN 1844-8577.
        • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., Gaceu, L., (2020). Importance of wood biomass in Romania. Journal of EcoAgriTourism, Vol.16, Nr.2(41), pag. 34-38. ISSN 1844-8577.
        • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., (2020). Importanța proprietăților biomasei lemnoase în România. Buletinul AGIR (Asociația Generală a Inginerilor din România), nr.1, pag.7-11. ISSN 1224-7928.
        • Zeleniuc, O., Dumitraşcu, A.-E., and Ciobanu, V. D., (2020). Properties evaluation by thickness and type of oriented strand boards manufactured in continuous press line, BioResources. 15(3), pag. 5829-5842. ISSN: 1930-2126. DOI:10.15376/biores.9.4.6805-6816
        • Tudor, E.M., Barbu, M.C., Petutschnigg, A., Reh, R., Kristak, L. (2020): Analysis of Larch-Bark Capacity for Formaldehyde Removal in Wood Adhesives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, 764 (9 p.). ISSN: 1660-4601. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17030764.
        • Kain, G., Stratev, D., Tudor, E.M., Lienbacher, B., Weigl, M., Barbu, M.C., Petutschnigg, A., (2020). Qualitative investigation on VOC-emissions from spruce and larch loose bark and bark panels. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, Vol. 78, pag.403–412. ISSN:1938-1943. DOI: 10.1007/s00107-020-01511-2.
        • Tudor, E.M., Dettendorfer, A., Kain, G., Barbu, M.C., Reh, R., Kristak, L., (2020). Sound-Absorption Coefficient of Bark-Based Insulation Panels. Polymers, Vol.12(5), 1012, pag. 1-11. ISSN: 2073-4360. DOI: 10.3390/polym12051012.
        • Kain, G., Tudor, E.M., Dettendorfer, A., Barbu, M.C., (2020). Potenzial von Baumrinde für den Einsatz als Schallabsorptionsmaterial. Bauphysik, Vol.42 (3), pag. 124-130. ISSN: 1437-0980. DOI: 10.1002/bapi.202000007.
        • Tudor, E.M., Zwickl, C., Eichinger, C., Petutschnigg, A., Barbu, M.C., (2020). Performance of softwood bark comminution technologies for determination of targeted particle size in further upcycling applications. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 269, 122412, pag.1-7. ISSN 0959-6526. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122412.
        • Kain, G., Morandini, M., Barbu, M.C., Petutschnigg, A., Tippner, J., (2020). Specific Gravity of Inner and Outer Larch Bark. Forests, Vol.11, 1132. ISSN 1999-4907. DOI: 10.3390/f11111132.
        • Barbu, M.C., Lohninger, Y., Hofmann, S., Kain, G., Petutschnigg, A., Tudor, E.M., (2020). Larch Bark as a Formaldehyde Scavenger in Thermal Insulation Panels. Polymers, Vol.12(5), 2632. ISSN: 2073-4360. DOI: 10.3390/polym12112632.
        • Jorda, J., Kain, G., Barbu, M.C., Haupt, M., Kristak, L., (2020). Investigation of 3D-moldability of flax fiber reinforced beech plywood. Polymers Vol.12(12), 2852. ISSN: 2073-4360. DOI: 10.3390/polym12122852.
        • Bekhta, P., Salca, E.A, Lunguleasa, A., (2020). Some properties of plywood panels manufactured from combination of thermally densified and non-densified veneers of different thicknesses in one structure. Journal of Building Engineering, Vol.29, 101116, pag.1-12. ISSN(ONLINE): 2352-7102.
        • Barbu, M.C., Sepperer, T., Tudor, E.M. Petutschnigg, A., (2020). Walnut and hazelnut shells: Untapped industrial resources and their suitability in lignocellulosic composites. Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, 6340. ISSN: 2076-3417. DOI: 10.3390/app10186340.
        • Tudor, E.M., Scheriau, C., Barbu, M.C., Reh, R., Kristak, L., Schnabel, T., (2020). Enhanced resistance to fire of the bark-based panels bonded with clay. Applied Sciences Vol. 10, 5594. ISSN: 2076-3417. DOI: 10.3390/app10165594.
        • Schwarzenbrunner, R., Barbu, M.C., Petutschnigg, A., Tudor, E.M., (2020). Water-resistant casein-based adhesives for veneer bonding in biodegradable ski cores. Polymers, Vol. 12(8), 1745. ISSN: 2073-4360. DOI: 10.3390/polym12081745.
        • Lunguleasa, A., Spirchez, C., Zeleniuc, O., (2020). Evaluation of the calorific values of wastes from some tropical wood species. Maderas-Cienc Tecnol, Vol. 22(3), pag. 269-280. ISSN 0718-221X.
        • Dumitrascu, A.E., Lunguleasa, A., Salca, E.A., Ciobanu, V. D., (2020). Evaluation of selected properties of oriented strand boards made from fast growing wood species. BioResources, Vol.15(1), pag.199-210. ISSN 1930-2126.
        • Salca, E.A., Bekhta, P., Seblii, Y. (2020). The effect of veneer densification temperature and wood species on the plywood properties made from alternate layers of densified and non-densified veneers. Forests, 11 (6), 700. ISSN1999-4907. DOI:10.3390/f11060700.
        • Bratu, C.A., Ciobanu V.D., Derczeni, R.A. and Salca, E.A. (2020). Study on the forest road pavements reinforced with geogrids by using the 2D FEM method. Road Materials and Pavement Design, Vol. 21 (6), ISSN 1738-1752. DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2019.1566085.
        • Chotikhun, A., Kittijaruwattana, J., Salca, E.A., HIZIROGLU, S. (2020). Selected Physical and Mechanical Properties of Microwave Heat Treated Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis). Applied Sciences-Basel 10 (18), 6273. ISSN: 2076-3417. DOI: 10.3390/app10186273.
        • Pop, D.M, Timar, M.C., Beldean, E.C., Varodi, A.M., (2020). Combined testing approach to evaluate the antifungal efficiency of clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) essential oil for potential application in wood conservation. BioResources, Vol.15(4), pag.9474-9489. ISSN 1930-2126.
        • Pop, D.M, Timar, M.C., Beldean, E.C, Varodi, A.M. (2020). Combined testing approach to evaluate the antifungal efficiency of clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) essential oil for potential application in wood conservation. BioResources, Vol.15(4), pag. 9474-9489, ISSN: 1930-2126.
        • Timar, M.C, Varodi, A.M, Liu, X.Y. (2020). The influence of artificial ageing on selected properties of wood surfaces finished with traditional materials – an assessment for conservation purposes. Bulletin of Transilvania University of Brasov, series II: Forestry - Wood industry – Agriculture food engineering. ISSN: 2065-2135, Vol. 13 (62), No.2, pag. 81-94. DOI:10.31926/but.fwiafe.2020.
        • Bartha, B., (2020). Neo-Vernacular Architectural and Furnishing Patterns of Europe: Concepts for Value-Adding in Contemporary Design. PRO LIGNO, Vol. 16 (2), pag. 43-53. ISSN (Online): 1841-4737.
        • Bartha, B., Olărescu, A., (2020). Vernacular Architectural and Furnishing Patterns of Stroești Village, Argeș County, Romania. PRO LIGNO, Vol. 16 (4), pag. 37-45. ISSN (Online) – 1841-4737. Bartha, B., Olărescu, A. (2020). Neo-Vernacular Concepts for Value-Adding in Contemporary European Architecture and Design. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Vol. 13 (62), no. 2 –series II - Forestry. Wood Industry. Agricultural Food Engineering. ISSN 2065-2135.
        • Ispas, M., (2020). Improvements of Wood Milling Machines. PRO LIGNO, Vol. 16(4), pag. 61-67. ISSN (Online) 1841-4737.
        • Stanciu, M.D., Cosereanu, C., Dinulică, F., Bucur, V., (2020) Effect of wood species on vibration modes of violins plates. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, Vol.78, pag. 785–799. ISSN: 0018-3768. DOI: 10.1007/s00107-020-01538-5.
        • Paiu, I., Androne, A., Cosereanu, C., (2020). CAD-CAM-CAE in wood industry. A case study for perforated ornaments processed on CNC router. Pro Ligno, Vol. 16(3), pag. 60-67. ISSN (Online) 1841-4737.


        • Bedelean, B., Cociș, R., (2021). The influence of the freezing and thawing process on the bending moment capacity of L-shaped heat-treated wood dowel joints. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series II: Forestry, Wood Industry, Agricultural Food Engineering, Vol.14-63, no.2, pag. 51–60. ISSN (Online): 2971-9372. DOI: 10.31926/but.fwiafe.2021.
        • Bedelean, B.I., Neculăeș, I., Spîrchez, C.G., Răcășan, S., (2021). The Influence of the Number and Position of Dowels on the Bending Moment Capacity of Heat-treated Wood Dowel Joints. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series II: Forestry, Wood Industry, Agricultural Food Engineeringthis, Vol.14-63(1), pag. 67–76. ISSN (Online): 2971-9372. DOI: 10.31926/but.fwiafe.2021.
        • .
        • Porojan, M., Brandstetter, M., Ispas, M., Bedelean, B., Campean, M., (2021). Research Concerning the Bending Properties of Reconstituted Spruce Lumber Boards, Obtained by Edge-Cutting at 45° and Gluing. Applied Science, Vol.11(21), pag.1-12. ISSN: 2076-3417. DOI:10.3390/app11219937.
        • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., Gaceu, L., (2021). Comparative study referring to physical and calorific properties of pellets obtained from grape biomass. Revista Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.20 (3) pag. 361-369. ISSN: 1843-3707.
        • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., Gaceu, L., (2021). Research regarding the ignition characteristics of the wood biomass from the hardwood trees. Journal of EcoAgriTourism, Vol.17, Nr.1(42), pag.31-35. ISSN: 1844-8577.
        • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., Gaceu, L., (2021). Utilizing the energy potential of wood biomass. Journal of EcoAgriTourism, Vol.17, Nr.2(43). ISSN: 1844-8577.
        • Spîrchez, C., Lunguleasa, A., (2021). Proprietățile calorice ale biomasei lemnoase. Buletinul AGIR (Asociația Generală a Inginerilor din România), Nr.1, pag.7-11. ISSN: 1224-7928.
        • Spirchez, C., Japalela, V., Lunguleasa, A., Buduroi, D., (2021). Analysis of briquettes and pellets obtained from two types of Paulownia (Paulownia tomentosa and Paulownia elongata) sawdust. BioResources, Vol. 16(3), pag. 5083-5096. ISSN: 1930-2126.
        • Spirchez G.C, Lunguleasa, A., Ciobanu, V.D., (2021). Evaluation of Oak-Specific Consumption, Efficiency, and Losses from an Aesthetic Veneer Factory. Applied Sciences, Vol.11(9), 4300. ISSN 2076-3417. DOI: 10.3390/app11094300.
        • Balea Paul G., Timar, M.C., Zeleniuc, O., Lunguleasa, A., Coșereanu, C., (2021). Mechanical Properties and Formaldehyde Release of Particleboard Made with Lignin-Based Adhesives. Applied Sciences, Vol.11(18), 8720. ISSN 2076-3417. DOI:10.3390/app11188720.
        • Scriba, C., Lunguleasa, A., Spirchez, C., Ciobanu, V., (2021). Influence of INGER and TORDIS Energetic Willow Clones Planted on Contaminated Soil on the Survival Rates, Yields and Calorific Value. Forests, Vol.12(7), 826. ISSN:
        • Dragusanu, V., Lunguleasa, A., Spirchez, C., (2021). The briquettes properties from seed sunflower husk and wood larch shavings. Wood research, Vol.66(4), pag. 689-699. ISSN(ONLINE): 2729-8906.
        • Lunguleasa, A. , Ayrilmiş, N., Sova, D., Spirchez, C., (2021). Selected properties of briquettes made from blends of bamboo and beech biomass. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, Vol.45 (4), pag.389-401. ISSN (ONLINE): 1303-6173. DOI: 10.3906/tar-2101-7.
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        • Timar, M.C., Buchner, J., Pop, D.M., Irle, M. (2021). The protection of beech wood (Fagus sylvatica) against the brown rot Postia placenta using clove (Eugenya caryophyllata) essential oil in linseed oil medium. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, Series II: Forestry- Wood Industry - Agricultural Food Engineering, Vol. 14(63), pag.61-74. ISSN:2065-2135. DOI:10.31926/but.fwiafe.2021.
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        • Paul, G.B., Timar, M.C., Zeleniuc, O., Lunguleasa, O., Coșereanu, C., (2021). Mechanical Properties and Formaldehyde Release of Particleboard Made with Lignin-Based Adhesives. Applied Sciences-Basel, Vol. 11(18), 8720. DOI: 10.3390/app11188720.
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